Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let's usher in 2015 already!

 Hip Hip Hurray, out with the old and in with the new. It is finally 2015. Time flies doesn't it? It is now in with the new year. It is really high time we do some resolution. But that will be in another post cos it takes thought when we decide the new direction of For Funk.
But one thing for sure 2015 is going to be very busy for For Funk, we are packed for reviews, surprising but very very true. And so I would like to do a call-out for guest writers to share For Funk success and passion.
You may not know, but I did start out guest writing myself before I had the courage to venture into real hard-core reviewing. So I would like to pass the baton, spread the blessing to my readers, especially those who had always wanted to write, to influence, to motivate and maybe to try to change the world.
But you have to be a fantastic writer. And by that, I mean coherent, succinct and be very very genuine in your reviews (because ForFunk's name is at stake now you are part of the team!) In return, you may get little perks such as going for events on my behalf or reviewing stuff that it is not my expertise and interest. Be diverse! Be different! (You don't have to share the exact passion as me, it is good if we are a little opposite so that our readers can have more holistic views) Cos 2015 shouldn't be the same as 2014.
Happy 2015
And lastly to my readers out there, have a great 2015! There will be more surprises, more fun and more, more places, new products to share with you!

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